Attracting Good People


15 Posts Published


December 20, 2016


Text: 1 Samuel 16:7

If we must know and bring good people close,we must make heart discovery a priority.

If God prioritize knowing the HEART OF MEN, then it is very important for us too to take the issue of knowing the heart of men very serious.

Do you know that the need to know the heart of men before one commits himself/herself into serious relationship 2 Corinthians 5:16

If you must know a good man, it must be through the heart and not through the FLESH.

How to know the heart of a man:

Watch what such person is constantly and consistently saying about other people, especially those who are doing well more than him or her .

The scripture further describe them in Romans 1:29-30.

The second way you can know the heart of a person is to PRACTICE WHAT I CALL :
* holding back
* delay gratification
* Outrightly refuse to give them what they are asking from you .

Of these sort of People, Apostle Paul says in Psalm 35:15 .But in mine adversity they rejoiced,

Please understand that,Good men are not necessarily with you because of what they want to grab from you.

But you can’t say the same of an evil/ wicked men.
They are surely with you to grab SOMETHING from you . John 6:26-27.

And Because of their desperation to get from you at all cost, they can:
i – pretend to be who they are not .
ii – they can lie about their identity
iii – they can lie about their situation, condition and circumstances
iv – they sing praise of you, even when there is no need to do so all to get your attention
v – they easily call attention of well meaning member of the church to their non existent needs
vi – they often tell you some pitiable stories to call for pity party.
Example of such men are the Gibeonite – s

This kind of people can go to any length to do all the above, as long as they are getting what they want from you, but the day you deny them, is the day you will begin to see their “TRUE COLOUR”.
(Don’t just open the gate of your destiny for everybody, love everybody but don’t relate with everyone)
(Bewere of people who don’t respect your values but they still want to relate with you. If you want to be my friend if is Jesus i love so much love Him with me)
# this year don’t be only at the side to receive, be also a contributor.
# There is joy in crying with people, because after that when the blessings come you will not be a suspent.( When you enter people live when there is blessings they will know that you came to eat)