Operation Jabez


15 Posts Published


December 20, 2016


1 chro 5:9-10.

For you to pray operation Jabez you need to know that we are at war in this earth, and you must understand the rules of engagement, if not you will live opposite of your destiny, vision, dreams and prophecy, or you will even die a casualty. Matt 10:16.

# In this kingdom race we are it is either you pray or you die.
# Wickedness is real, in this world you don’t need to look for trouble for someone to make themselves your enemy. 1 John 5:19.
# know that your progress can make someone to be your enemy, (forty bold themselves together not to eat until Paul die)
# And for you to overcome always you must learn the secret of “Visibility” for you to develop the capacity to win always.
# Gen 49:8. Thy hand shall be in the neck of your enemy.
# Micah 7:8; Gen 22:17;
# know that enemy are normal to destiny. Ps 18:3; ps 66:3.
#1 the 2:18; one of the assignments of the enemy is to block you from reaching your blessings, achieving your goals. And until you do something God can’t do anything for you. That is why HE said in (matt 18:18) until you band what needs to be band on earth nothing will change cos heaven cannot band and loose for you that means heaven is waiting for, God is waiting for you.

1) Enemy position at the place of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus be broken into pieces.
2) I escape suppress attack from the womb of time