Romans 12:2.
When you think creatively, you’re thinking like God, your creator. But know that not everybody that will welcome your creative ideas.
# Jesus wasn’t crucified because He worked miracles; He was loved and applauded for those miracles. He was crucified for having ideas that challenged the people’s believe.
# Know that God is the giver of great concepts, truths, and ideas. So when He gives you one, don’t let anybody talk you out of it for the fear of these three things
1) Fear of rejection.
2) Fear of failure.
3) Fear of mistake
# these three things kill idea and creativity and you can’t do anything new and exciting in life and you can’t make a difference in your world.
# Don’t just work hard on the same old thing; make a change. And the first thing you will have to change is how you think, what you listen to and believe.
# Take a look at the following they will start telling you:
1) you are not a creative person.
2) Follow the rules.
3)Don’t ask questions.
4)Don’t be different from other.
5)Stay within the lines.
6)There is only one way to do it.
7)Think of your image.
8)It’s never been done.
9)It can’t be done.
10)It didn’t work for other.
11)We tried that before.
12)It’s too much work.
13)We don’t have the time.
14)We don’t have the money.
Yes, but…’ Paul writes, ‘And be not conformed to this world:
# know that when you change your thinking, you will change your life… Proverbs 13:20.
# If you’re surrounded by negativity, look for a better environment.
# Hear this a new idea is delicate and It can be killed by people who does not believe in you ; it can be stabbed to death.
#Negative environments kill great ideas every minute and a creative environment is like a greenhouse where ideas grow,
#In order to grow, you must seek out people who are committed to personal growth. Such people:
(1) People who Encourage creativity. When you are with people that encouraged and reward creativity it gives one permission to be more creative.
# Freedom to be creative encourages people to stay engaged in a task, regardless of its challenges.
(2) People who are willing to risk failure. Even when you have studied and prepared yourself thoroughly, you will have to try several times before you succeed.
# So, you need to be in an environment where mistakes are viewed as part of the creative process.
(3) People who believe in the potential of a dream.
# A creative environment allowed people to declare, ‘I have a dream,’ not ‘I have a goal.’ Goals may give focus, but dreams have power. Dreams expand your world. And God is the giver of dreams and visions (see Joel 2:28)