Gal 5:25; Esther 3:7; 4:15-17
# Life is spiritual and to engage a spiritual man you need to work in the spirit
# Esther 4:16; Esther realize that what they are dealing with is spiritual, so they have to go into the spiritual to unravel mystery, to turn everything to the way it should be to their own advantage.
# until you work strongly in the spirit you can’t change natural laws, it takes a man of the spirit to change natural laws. 1sam 17:43-46;
# Esther knew that this is beyond sex and beauty, so she turn to the spiritual.
# When you resort to the supernatural, then what happens in Esther 6:1-4;( will manifests)
# When the king could not sleep he didn’t ask for his physicians but he asked to bring before him the book of the chronicles, if there is something he needs to do that he has not done. (The king is a very spiritual man)
# (sometimes in life those you feel that you don’t need meart by the people you need. And those you think that you need meart be the once coming for your crown) that is why you need to be more spiritual than ever.
# Know that to be more spiritual
1) you need to love God more than everything you sharich in this world. Genesis 22….
2) you need to understand that by strength shall no man prevail: is not by might nor by power, but by the spirit of God. 1 Samuel 17:43-46;