Act 2:1-4.
# The upper room is a place of prayers not a place to play, is a place to talk to God
# The upper room is a place to develop your spirit man.
# Is a place of revival, a place to sick God, a place to renew strength.
# The upper room is a place of the out pouring of the spirit of God.
# The upper room is a place of the supernatural. Is a place where you live by the supernatural and encounter the supernatural.
# The upper room is a place where God step down from internity to time to do the unimaginable for men to see and know that this is God in action.
# Know that this oh word is governed by spirituality and if you must survive you need the upper room experience always. (Mordecai and haman Esther 3:7)
# The people who control this world are spiritual people, not people with one high degree. Because the ham of flesh will fail. Gal 5:25;
# The upper room opens one to the supernatural where spiritual utterance are given to men of spiritual understanding.
# The upper room is a place of empowerment, A place of transformation.
1) You Must Tarry: Luke 24:49;
# Until you tarry you can’t carry, because God cannot bless haste seekers
# It doesn’t matter what you are passing through in life know that when you tarry you will overcome.
# know that evil does not go after anything that is not good, it only go after what is good.
# When you tarry you are connecting to supernatural intervention, and when supernatural intervention is connected God will have no choice to step from internity to time to do what should be done. 1 king 18:42-46;
2) You Must Always Be In The Spirit Not In The Flesh: Matt 16:17; 1cor 15:50;
# Know that flesh and blood cannot win the battle of the spirit. Eph 6:12;
How to oppar in the upper room